11 am. Woke up late and putzed around Michelle's apt. (pictured left)
3 p.m. Finalized some work for Legacy and headed toward the city for some action.
3:50 p.m Tenia una medialuna y cafe doble sin cafeina en Pink House Cafeteria.
4:03 p.m. Hauled ass to meet the 4:00 tour bus. Made it, yessssssssss

4:05 pm. Catching breath. Views from open-top bus are great! Saw historical buildings and the major barrios de Buenos Aires. La Boca was my favorite. (below is a photo of the Congreso, I think...it all went by so fast!)

6:16 pm. Bus tour drops me off to meet Michelle, 16 minutes later than I expected. She is no where to be found. Plaza Francia in Recoleta is bigger than I thought. Getting dark! Mace is ready when I need it.
8:05 pm. Broke down in tears for being lost, went home and M showed up 5 minutes later. Thank god for Dax and blackberry international service.
10: 45 pm. Food makes it better. Back from an all-you-can-eat pasta and parillada near M's place.

On a random note, here is a photo of my belly pre-Buenos Aires. I might be sticking out a little :)

As far as other fotos, it takes forever to upload, so you will get them sparingly.