Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Maybe not for blog but file under AWKWARD

When I woke up this morning from 10 glorious hours of dramamine-induced sleep, (I was. wired last night and took it), I had to pee really bad, so went to the bathroom there in by coming upon the first of 3 awkard moments in less than one hour. All of this took place in the bathroom:

#1 - walked in on Michelle naked after her shower. Whoops. Not so bad right? Keep reading...

#2 - when the bathroom was finally free, walked in to take said pee, lifted up the seat and what did I find? Yep, you guessed it. A massive poo - not wth my name on it. Tried unsuccessfully to flush it but I guess the water pressure system here isn't the same (although, looking back, my shower was realy nice....hmmmm.). So I went anyway which was weird and then crept into bed to mull overhow to broach the subject with M, leading to....

Awkward moment #3 - bringing this up to M: I had to do it, for it was my turn to take a massive poo (empanada de humita) and I didn't want to make matters worse by clogging the toilet even more. So I finally decided on the passive-aggressive, laid back approach. Ahem: "Hey dude, I think your toilet is clogged," (except I don't think. I know) "do you have a plunger?". She then asks what is happening and if its making noise, which was my chance to passive-aggressively say, "hmm, not sure but it was like that when I got here this a.m." This may not seem so awkard, but apparently this could have all been avoided bc I then tried to flush again, and the lttle turd that could finally went on his merry way into the bowels of BA's sewer system. Yikes and phew!

At least that is over with and we can get on with the day. For now, I must go, for it is my time to flush....

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