This morning on the subte, I was charmed by an old man playing what sounded like a very french accordian. I tried to be a sponge of Buenos Aires culture, relishing this perhaps rare moment with humility (he was blind) and pleasure. What a nice surprise to be serenaded by someone whose story you can only imagine?!
Of course I knew he was asking for money, and I honestly felt sorry for the guy. I'm not one who normally gives money out easily, but if I truly enjoyed it, wasn't it worth it?
I pulled out a handful of Argentine coins - no idea how much - and awkwardly reached over other passengers to show my appreciation for his talent and ganas.
As he departed our train car for the next, I took a deep, cheesy breath, in anticipation of his next act. And act it was. I realized then that it was a ruse - he was playing the same 3 notes over and over again, only in different variations of speed and what ever it is you call it when they pump the accordian.
I laughed to myself, of course, I should have known. Everything in BA is worth a third of what it is in the US right? But to me, those three notes were worth every penny, and that is what he got.
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