Do you know the difference between "choclo" and "chocolat?" .......(silence). Apparently neither do I. So when the waitress at lunch today told me that an empanada de humita had choclo and [insert word - which I think was salsa] blanco, I assumed and was very excited to be getting an empanada with chocolate and white sauce! And if you read my previous post, then you would know that what I received was FAR from it. When I told M my story about how I ended up - much to my chagrin - with an empanada with corn and onions and cheese instead, she looked at me the way Ricky Ricardo looked at Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. "Laura, choclo means corn, not chocolate." Right....lesson learned and mystery solved. No empanadas de humita en mi futuro.
Speaking of photos of stuff (well looking at the photo above of the not so yummy empanada de humita), I want to say sorry for not posting any photos - blogs w/o pics can be boring. However, in my own best interest, I don't want to get singled out as a tourist, especially when I'm by myself, so I have kept my camera in the bag for now. But, when Pam gets here I'm sure she will take enough snaps for the both of us. (h/t Pamcakes101 =)
For what it's worth, try to visualize this: windows with rows and rows of pies, three-layered cakes and other pastries, brick-paved avenidas with shops and performers, a young couple making out in a dark corner and late-night dinners at a cafe on any corner.
Buenas Noches, Buenos Aires. See you all tomorrow.