-BA is not the 3rd world country my friend Mirko said it was. (To put this in context, he said not to expect good internet access bc BA is a 3rd world country.). Poop on him bc I have an International B-berry, which I lurve.
-Everyone is beautiful and they know it. Now I know where my Argentines get their snobbyness from. Wonder if it will rub off on me. :).
-Food is huge here, I like that. I feel like Austin is the same way: to experience the city, you must experience the food. Instead of breakfast taco, think Medialuna. Instead of chips and salsa, think dulce de leche. I'm eating my way through the city. It will be mine...but so far, Filipino empanadas still rule the world.
-the city in general (not the barrios since I haven't been there yet) reminds me a lot of NYC. Flower and fruit stands on every corner and people speaking foreign languages, looking beautiful.
-Ped x-ing? Forget ab it. Look hard and long before you cross the street bc those crazy muthas aint stopping. There is no right of way for peds.
-While nippy in the a.m., it's pretty comfy during the day.
-the subways are cheap! Like 23 cents. Nobody talks....
Bien, hasta luego.