Thursday, October 4, 2007

Non-Judgmental Judgments...

...such as:

"That woman eats cereal with a spoon, if you know what I mean."


"She probably brushes her teeth EVERY morning."

...That is what I mean by non-judgmental judgments. Why do people feel the need to make judgments on other people's lives when they may know nothing about that person? (I'm saying this with the caveat that I've probably done this before.) But today, while enjoying my famous California Turkey Club Panini and watching Access Hollywood, I learned that E. Hasselback and W. Goldberg got into it during a recent episode of "The View." It was just a quick snippet of a story, but basically EH remarked on how she didn't agree with Hally Berry's decision to have a baby with her gorgeous model boyfriend (I mean, who wouldn't!? Their child is going to be really really ridiculously good looking), despite not being married. We all know that EH has strong (conventional/traditional) views on this type of thing.... At any rate, Whoopi disagreed - thank God someone did - and pointed out that she wasn't married when she had her baby. OUCH! They argued for a while and EH went on to say how they probably thought they could pull it off easier because they are rich and famous. Whoopi then told her it was NEVER easy to have a baby whether you're rich or not.

Then they started talking about abortion and Whoopi called her out on how she could possibly feel so strongly about an issue that she has never faced in her entire life. I have to agree. While a woman may agree that abortion should be a woman's choice, they may never personally do it or go through with it for whatever reason. And, there are women out there who don't believe in it but don't want to force their views on other people or make it rule of law. ANYWHO, let's not get into that debate.

I was wondering... why have all of the replacements since Star Jones been what one may not consider a traditionally attractive person? (I'm trying to be as politically correct here..) I am just throwing this out there. E. Hasselback is young, pretty, smart but opinionated to the point of contention. Whoopi and R.O'Donnell are less attractive, but still smart and opinionated to the point of contention (not mine). Why is it that EH stays on the show???

Discuss! Am I way off here?