Well I’m finally back from Buenos Aires and into the good ol’ U-S-of-A. I’m cheering because only in the USA can you get an immediate food coma from the best cheeseburger and cheese fries with ranch in two weeks. All Argentinians are rolling there eyes right now.
I only post this photo as a sharp contrast to everything that I experienced on our trip to Argentina. Buenos Aires was the perfect mix of old world style and class – from its amazing European architecture to its tributes to tragic national heroes of yesterday – with the life and modernity of a city bigger than New York. It is alive with tango, technology, subways, fashion, wine, amazing food, coffee and a self awareness that is infectious yet unmatchable if you aren’t a Porteño.
Obviously, in relation to the latter, Pam and I stuck out like sore thumbs. Maybe, just maybe, we will always be remembered as the obnoxious Americans who might have slightly desecrated a national cemetery with a traveling naked doll, snorted loudly during a tango show and single-handedly jump started their economy again by spending hundreds on material objects of our affection – in one little pink store (h/t Pamcakes101 :).)
I could go on and on with pretentious little descriptions of the city and culture, but I won’t. The most amazing thing about Argentina was spending quality time in a great city with one of my greatest friends. As you might infer from the random moments captured in my blog, we did nothing but eat, laugh and enjoy each other’s company in a country that celebrates friendship annually. (Seriously, Argentina celebrates Dia Del Amigo every 20th of July!).
So, to Pam: thank you for being my friend and coming to Buenos Aires with me. You booked your flight not knowing where in the world BA was! You’re like... the butter on my Argentine bread roll. No, no wait. You’re like...the American cheese on my good ol’ American cheeseburger. :)