I have said this many times: Target (and Ikea) have the uncanny ability to make you think you "need" everything in its stores. Why am I sitting here worried about how much I spent in Argentina when I can drop a deuce at Target in a hot minute??
The answer: Everything I put in my cart I absolutely NEEDED...right? A Fathers' Day present, a wall mount for my iron, a new recoiling garden hose with nozzle included....
A new rug for my sun room? YES! A new outdoor hammock? DOUBLE YES! And even clearance wall art that we'll later turn into decoupage for our baby's room? To quote one drink in Argentina, "Yes, Yes, Yes, Oh My God, Yes."
Any regrets? NEEEVVVER!!! (OK, maybe a few. When I asked my self that the first time, the little voice in my head told me not to raise my hand right away, for I had run out of shaving cream earlier that day, and I was clearly too busy buying things I wanted rather than needed.)
Target is like the abusive man you love to love. He may leave you broke and sorry in the long run, but boy does he feel so good to have on a Friday night.