1. Getting practically violated by a clown playing a accordian in Recoleta. I think he wanted to Tango.

2. Argentina vs. Colombia futbol

3. Blacking out after an all-you-can eat Parillada, aka Churrascaria. The meat was the best I've had so far in BA from a place called Siga La Vaca. Nevermind I only had like 2 bites and mostly ate bread, butter, cured ham and cheese and all-you-can-eat salad. Don't blame me, blame the baby. :)
1. A platter of what seemed like never-ending sandwiches, pastries, juice, champagne (not for me) and cafes con leches at Las Violetas. "The hour of tea" is a beautiful thing.

2. Antiquing on the cobblestone streets of San Telmo for hours until we could see the stars. Picture South American hippies, their marijuana and lovely handmade crafts for 15+ blocks.
3. Dancing on the streets of San Telmo with the hippies, their drums and 100s of strangers. I got stuck in a giant flag of a country I didn't recognize. It was amazing! Pam almost peed her pants she was laughing so hard. See Pam's blog for photos of the pre-flag attack.
4. Catching a late night Tango between an 80 year old man and any random woman he could find in San Telmo square.

5. Looking in the window of a small cafe only to see a face on an empanada!
6. Making the beginnings of a music video ala "Take on Me" in the deserted subways of Buenos Aires. I ran through the tiled catacombs as Pam snapped some shots that we'll pull together for y'all.
I should be making money by now! I am like Pam's personal guide and translator but it's really fun! I feel like I'm turning into a snobby Argentine already. Today was a sort of come-what-may kind of day. We spent most of it wandering around by foot in Recoleta, Retiro and the shops of Calle Florida. Nothing big but here are some random thoughts to note:
-All the waiters in the cafes seem to be old men and they are so cute with their little bow ties.

-Argentine churros are slighlty different from Mexican. (I like the latter better.)
-Window shopping is a good idea. Otherwise creepy little women follow you around the store.
-Everyone here has a dog and the dogs are SO freaking sweet. No one uses a leash and the dogs just never run into the streets where the crazy taxi drivers are!
It's now about 9 pm BA time and we're utterly spent. Pam is next to me in our apt watching Twilight trailors, and like the obsessed Rob Patt fan she is, she's blushing and giggling like a school girl. She almost had a nervous breakdown because the internet connection was spotty.
As such, I'm blogging from my 4 inch phone and have severe blackberry thumb. So, I must go! Until next time....
(Post Script: photos were uploaded later.)