Have you ever heard the saying that a restaurant's kitchen is as clean as its bathroom?
Well in Argentina, that saying goes for the cafes AND the people. You can be in the cutest little coffee shop, but beware of bathroom. You've heard some my toilet paper stories, but some places are just nasty! Even our apt., which is super cute, has a leaky bidet!!!!
More disturbing is I feel like I'm in that episode of Seinfeld with Papi. Everytime I go to the bathroom, I notice that people just do not wash their hands! Yuck!
Random bathroom stories from BA:
Before the futbol game, I had to go really bad and the only thing close by was a little kiosko -imagine a mini 7-11 about the size of a kiosk in the nook of a building. These places usually are the foyer of someone's house and 99.99 percent of the time would not have nor would open the bathroom to the public. But it was all there was and I had to go really bad so I did it, I pulled the pregnancy card. First time to do so but maybe not the last. I explained to its proprietor that I was prego and really needed to go and would buy something if he let me. He didn't quite answer, but showed me the way to his broom closet/bathroom. There was no TP, not even a button to flush! But I can't really complain I guess, it was really nice of him to let me go. I bought some Ferrero Rochet so it was a win-win.
Once at Cafe Biela, I found this older woman draped over the bathroom sink in a pit of despair - only I didn't know it at the time. I thought maybe she had food poisoning or maybe was having side effects of chemo or something. It was strange. In my broken Spanish, I asked if she needed anything, wanted me to get someone or help her in any way. She looked at me and in a feeble, humbled voice and said she was having "problemas economicas." That was my cue to tell her sorry and I lickity split that bathroom in a hot minute.
Potty humor or iritable bowel syndrome? You decide...
Now here is one bathroom that I loved...from my new favorite book store in BA.