According to the tippy top authority on Astrology, the Aquarian Age Astrological Research Foundation... (lol)... "Scorpio is intense and sometimes violent." Since the little alien is only 10 weeks old, we can't yet say if he's inherited this characteristic. Although, this MIGHT be true when it comes to his BM.
Meanwhile, Sagittarius is "likely to be very social, energetic, of higher consciousness and may subscribe to the theory of ONENESS in the Universe." Of COURSE his sign had something to do with the Universe!! It might as well have said "may the force be with you."
Maybe this is why Dax insisted we register for the eighty-freaking-dollar Outer Space Activity Mat. I had originally intended to post a video of Cruz playing on it, but I took the video with my bberry and it turned out really sucky. So I'll have to renact it myself.
Cruz to play mat: "I am your father."
play mat: "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"