Highlights from my trip so far:
- I get to dress up and work in a real office with real people. I love my kitty and puppy who normally keep me company during the day but this is really refreshing.
- I've eaten about 10 cupcakes in 2 days! This always happens when I'm in DC. Chocolate with white icing, funfetti with chocolate icing and funfetti with whipped icing.
- Office threw me a shower which included cups with customized Twilight stickers and Rock Band! Baby got tons of presents!

- I woke up this morning at 8 a.m., got dressed and headed to Starbucks for coffee and a croissant. DELISH! (Note: Croissants in the US are 4 times bigger than Buenos Aires! No wonder we Americans are fat.) I loved sitting by the window watching and feeling the energy around me: the buses, taxis and commuters smelly from the hot air outside. Always wanted to live in the city while in DC.
- Watching Twilight 2 nights in a row at Pam's house. On the 2nd night, we decided to write our own sequel to the first book. Stay tuned!
Today, we are doing a day-long communications planning meeting with a break in between for a team building exercise. We are headed to cooking class at Culinaerie!
Ta Ta for now!